0:00 Introduction and Welcome to 2025
2:06 Understanding Money Blocks
4:21 Fear of Success
8:15 Limiting Self-Worth
12:30 Money Avoidance
16:45 Hard Work Misconception
20:10 Cultural and Society Beliefs
24:30 Fixed Income Views
28:15 Lack of Self-Compassion
32:00 Recap and Call to Action
Welcome to the Erin Davis show where we talk all things money, mindset and confidence. I know that being in control of your money means that you can step into the rest of your life with confidence, because everything starts with confidence. But I also know that women carry a huge, invisible mental load when it comes to their money. Being an accountant for over 30 years, I know all the ins and outs when it comes to money, and just how heavy that emotional load can be. So while I love talking about money, for me, it goes so much deeper. While I want you to explore your relationship with money, I also want to show you how embracing connection, expansion and abundance will make you feel more centered, inspired and aligned. So are you ready? Let's get started.
Hello and welcome back to the second season of the Erin Davis show. This is the first episode for 2025 and I can just say I know this year is going to be so good for me, and I really hope that you have that feeling in your body too. So today we're going to be talking about the hidden money blocks that might be holding you back from your financial success. This is particularly important as 2025 is just starting up, and I know we're the first few days into February, but for me, I feel like January was just a blur. I blinked and it was gone.
So I am starting 2025 now in February. So some of these money blocks you may have heard before and think it's but I think it's really important to just keep talking about them. You know, we hear what we need to hear when we're ready to hear it. So you may have heard some of these a million times before, and that's fine, but at the time, maybe you weren't either ready to hear them, or you weren't ready to own them. Either way, the timing wasn't right for you to do something about it. I hope that this episode is the right timing and it is the right place for you to really step forward and own what it is that's going on with your money blocks. And so while we're still very early in the new year, I think it is such a great opportunity to think about how you want 2025 to play out and how you want to move forward? You have the choice. Do you either want to be sitting here at the same time next year, feeling emotionally and physically and spiritually drained, or are you ready to own where you're at and take the steps to create the change that you really want? Don't get me wrong. I know this stuff can feel incredibly uncomfortable, though the messy middle is where you really learn to get comfortable with the uncomfortable, because this is the place where you can grow and change.
I have seven money blocks, money habits that I think are really important for us to really explore, and the first one of those is the fear of success. Now, this is really quite a sneaky one and it is the number one block that I see women struggling with. It may not resonate with you, but I would challenge you to just be open to it and explore it further, because this fear of success can actually manifest as feeling paralyzed when opportunities present themselves. You know you could feel worried about being overwhelmed because you actually have more money. And you know that's worrying about something that hasn't happened yet. And you know you may have concerns about how you're going to maintain this success. How is this success that you have going to impact your relationships? Maybe you could now be earning more and the breadwinner in the family or the relationship. So how is that going to change the dynamics of that relationship with your partner? And now these fears of success can stop you from taking action. It can keep you feeling small. It can stop you from seeing those opportunities when they come up. And I know it can feel like a big responsibility when you have more success. And taking on that responsibility can feel in itself, very overwhelming and stressful, particularly if you haven't experienced it before, and you don't, you're not used to it, and you're not used to taking on all of that pressure and responsibility. And you know, there is also that anxiety about keeping up the success once you've already achieved. That success, there's pressure then to keep it up. And what happens if you don't keep it up? Does that then make you a failure. All of these other thoughts coming up that really prevent you from wanting to step into success.
Success looks different for everybody. And as I've mentioned on the podcast before, success for me was really about, it was really linked to money. And that seems like a silly thought, because it for me now it's not, but it was very heavily driven my level of success was driven by how much money I earned, because I associated success with money, and so that fear of not being successful or wanting to be successful really impacted the amount of money that I could earn, because I didn't understand the responsibility that came with it. I wasn't ready for it, but I thought success was linked to the amount of money that I earned. And when you have that fear of success, it can really stop you in your tracks to move you forward. And while I wanted success, I actually don't think I really did. I thought I did, but I yeah, looking back at it now, I don't think I did, because it brought a whole new level that I wasn't quite ready for. So I would challenge you to explore whether that fear of success is actually a money block for you, and if it is holding you back from stepping into this new level, because the new level brings with it uncomfortable feelings, and it's something you haven't felt before, which then can feel very, very challenging and very unsure.
So that's the first one, that fear of success. The second one is limiting your self worth. Now that comes back to “I don't deserve to be wealthy”. This can be ingrained in your lack of self confidence and self esteem, and it can really create huge resistance in pursuing abundance, because you don't think you're worth it. And so when we're talking about money blocks, a lot of it comes down to how we feel about ourselves. It is not about what we do with the money. It is about how we feel about ourselves. And you know, a lot of people just say, or I can't budget, or I can't do this, or I spend too much, or, you know, I'm not good with money.
But really, when you dig a bit deeper and you start to understand what it is that is driving that behavior, then it often comes back to their limiting self worth, how they feel about themselves, because how we behave with money is really just the outcome, and it is about tapping into, why are we behaving the way we do? And I would challenge you again to look at, why are you behaving the way you are behaving with money. Where is that coming from? Where is it driven from? And so that lack of self worth, and I don't deserve to be wealthy, really can hold you back from creating more wealth, because you're not looking for opportunities again, you're not backing yourself, you're not asking for help, you're not stepping into that space because you don't think you deserve it.
And with all of these money blocks, it is very subconscious. It's not logical. It doesn't make sense, which is really the hard part, because when you start talking about these things, it's like, that sounds silly and it sounds not right, but that's how you feel. We need to give credit to how we actually feel, rather than trying to analyse it and rather than trying to feel like it's not right the way we're feeling, instead of just accepting the emotion, accepting where we're at and then we get the choice to decide whether we want to move on from it, or we are just going to stay where we are, and if you are at that point, then that's totally fine as well.
The next money block is around avoidance. Avoidance can look very different for a lot of people. However, the ones that I see are not checking your bank accounts. And this is, you know, you go to buy something, and you have a quick look to make sure you've got enough money in the bank account, but you're not actually checking to see what's happening in the bank account, making sure all the transactions are yours.Dollars you're understanding where you're spending, keeping a track of where where you are spending, where you are getting income, and that moment of tracking, that reason for following your spending, really creates so much awareness around what it is that you're doing with your money, you can then, from there, decide whether the way you spend, the way you save does that align with your values, does it align with those bigger goals that you want? And if it isn't, then you have the opportunity to do something with it. But the avoidance in the first place is really quite important to take note of, because that is the catalyst. When you start to look at what it is that you're doing, you can make the changes. And so you could also be putting off asking for help. You could be avoiding checking in with your accountant or even engaging a financial planner, because there is a lot of shame and judgment around where you are, that you think it's easier to just stay in your own little bubble. And I totally get this. Being an accountant, I've spoken about this in the past, that I have had this feeling that I should be further along, I should be better at what it is that I do, because this is what I talk about. This is what I know, and this is what I help people with. However, my situation wasn't like that, and I didn't feel like I was far enough ahead.
However, it's about accepting where you're at right now, accepting the past has happened. I can't change it, but what can I do to move forward? And so that money avoidance is a real block to be able to again own where you're at and then take the step forward to make the change that you want.
Another money block I see is about this hard working misconception. You know, this is a very old idea that we need to work hard, and we need to work in a nine to five job in order to get ahead. And now the working landscape has changed a lot, and it continues to change. What we're being taught in schools seems to me to be very outdated with the modern way of working, the modern way of earning an income. And I think we still have this ingrained misconception that you go to school, you then have to get a good education to be able to then get a good job to then be able to earn a decent wage or a decent living. And I think that we need to revisit this misconception, because you don't have to work nine to five, you don't have to work in a way that has always been done. There are opportunities for us to do things differently. And I think when we are stuck in that daily grind all the time, we miss the opportunities that are presented in front of us for efficiencies or a different way to do it, because we're so focused on this is the way we do it. This is how we do it. And we have our blinkers on to be able to see any other way. It's that whole same thing, you know, when you're working in your business or on your business, when you're in amongst it, it is very hard to see that big picture. And it's really important to be able to step back, to be able to have that helicopter view of what is actually happening.
We quite often still focus on the struggle rather than the strategy. And if you are around people in this nine to five job, maybe they don't like their job, maybe they don't like their work, but they focus on the struggle, rather than the strategy of how to create more income. When we're using that same language, we're hanging out with these people all the time who also use that language, and then that becomes our normal, and we don't put ourselves into a situation where we can see something different and we can be different. And so I think really looking at how you associate earning the income, how does that come about, can be a really good insight into the money blocks that you have.
There's also the cultural and society beliefs that we have. People like me don't get rich, and people who came from this background aren't allowed to earn a lot of money. We put this mental ceiling on our earning capacity because of that cultural conditioning about wealth and because of our family patterns, our family beliefs around money. They can show up in all different sorts of ways, which, when I'm talking about money blocks and money mindset, it's often about how we see other things in our life as well. Money is just one area that we have a reaction to or a behavior associated with it. But I would challenge you to say that the way you behave with money is potentially how you behave with other things in your life as well. And so really looking at those family patterns and that cultural way that you've been brought up, will give you some really good insights into your money blocks and how you're behaving with them.
We also can have a very fixed view on income. We can keep ourselves small because this is what we have always known. And while we think that there are possibilities out there to earn differently or earn a different way, a different amount, unless you've actually put yourself in a room with those people who are doing that, it is very hard to see yourself in that space. And now I had this experience just before Christmas. I was invited to dinner with my coach and there were other women at the table who are earning big, big dollars. Now for me, that just seemed next level. I felt very uncomfortable. I felt very out of depth and I sort of even questioned, do I deserve to be here? But when I sat back and thought about it, it was that I was in the uncomfortable. I was putting myself in a position where I felt totally out of my depth, but the opportunities I got from that dinner were just amazing. To be able to associate with people and women who just talk about money like nothing else. And it's just in that next space, it was a really, really incredible feeling to be able to experience that. It challenged my views. It challenged my thoughts. But the most important thing was it actually opened my eyes up to the possibility and if you're not putting yourself in a position where you are experiencing life with people who are doing great things, amazing things, it's really hard to see that that is actually possible for you. For me, I know it's possible, but actually being associated with and around women who are doing it, who are doing it now, really changed my perspective.
I didn't realize that it was actually a money block for me, that while I believed it, I actually questioned it, do I actually believe that I could do it? And so being around those women really changed my perspective on that income level and my resistance to stepping into a new level. You may also have resistance to exploring new income streams, because you have this fixed view that this is how you need to earn income.
And the last one I want to talk about is that lack of self compassion and we have all made money mistakes in the past, me included, that make us feel shameful. There may be bad decisions. There's judgment that we feel from ourselves, maybe not from anybody else, but from ourselves. There's guilt, there's something we should have known better. We should have done better. We then feel like, well, I've tried before, so I can't do it, so why bother doing it again? And I think when we're very critical of ourselves to have known better, or that we should have known better, it really holds us back from trying again and taking that leap again. And I would suggest, if you have made some bad money decisions in the past, that you put yourself into a position where you can try to do new things. You can try to put yourself into that position where you can have another go. You can do something, but maybe it's not as on a bigger scale as what you have done in the past. But I really want to encourage you to have some self compassion, some self belief that one bad decision doesn't make you bad with money. It just means that that decision wasn't quite right, learn from it, change it. Ask for help. You know, be kind to yourself. And really just go gently. Go gently. And I always talk about the sleep test. You know, can you sleep at night and do things that allow you to sleep at night? Make small steps, do small things, do those one percenters that then bring you closer to what it is that you want. Because when you are able to identify these money blocks and move through them, big things change.
So just to recap on those money blocks, we have the fear of success, limiting our own self worth, money avoidance, hard work is the misconception we have to work hard, we have society and cultural beliefs, we have very fixed income views and we have that lack of self compassion.
So I hope my amazing money friends that today's episode has really just highlighted some of these hidden money blocks for you, and I hope you've had some aha moments for you, because remember that we hear things when we're ready to hear them, and you may have heard these things before, however, maybe the time wasn't right for you to actually take some action and to step forward into creating what you want.
But I just want you to know that wherever you are on your money journey, it's okay. You're not alone in this. There is no shame in struggling with these blocks, because we've all been there. We've all done it. And everybody is doing their own thing. Everybody is moving through these at a different rate. And so I want you to take some time this week to reflect on what those money blocks are for you. Think about what resonated. Maybe jot down some thoughts. Maybe have a heart to heart with yourself in the mirror, maybe reach out, send me a message, send me a DM of what it is that is blocking you.
It's also okay for you to not know what your money blocks are. That is part of the work that I do, is to be able to really go deeper onto these things as to what is it that is blocking you? Because, again, when you're in it and you're in amongst it, it is really hard to see what it is that you're doing, because you're emotionally attached, you're emotionally invested in the situation. So having that person who is not emotionally invested or emotionally attached can make a very analytical observation, a very stand back, look at the whole picture, and if you're open to it, call you out, because we only believe what we believe, and that is our truth. And until you're ready to step into a new space, until you're ready to own it, then that is going to be your truth. So again, I hope you found some value in today's episode. If you have some money blocks and you want to step out of them and move forward and create some financial freedom, then I would love for you to reach out to me. I would also love for you to share this episode with a friend who you can see has some money blocks, because you are providing a massive service to them to be able to hold them accountable for moving forward. Just remember, you are capable of amazing things, and I believe in you, and moving through these money blocks is really such an important step in creating your own financial wellness.
Thanks for tuning in today. I really hope you enjoyed the show. If you did, head over and subscribe and also leave me a review while you're there, I would love to read it. Don't forget to share this episode with your audience and tag me on Instagram at Erin Davis, underscore, transform, if you need any more info from today's show, head over to Erin davis.com.au
forward slash podcast, where you'll find all of today's show notes and links. See you next week on the Erin Davis show.