19. Are You Spending or Investing? The Game Changer for Your Finances

Season #1

This episode revolves around a question - are you spending your money or are you investing it? This simple reframe will shift your whole relationship money if you allow yourself to explore how you feel about the way you consume. This question is particularly important as the holiday season is just around the corner so now is the perfect time to get your relationship with money sorted. 

Here are 8 reasons to listen: 

  1. Transform Your Mindset: Discover how reframing your spending as investing can shift your entire relationship with money which will lead to more intentional financial decisions. 
  2.  Prepare for the Holidays: With the holiday season just around the corner, learn how to manage your finances effectively to reduce stress and enjoy the festivities without guilt. 
  3.  Break Free from Overwhelm: This episode addresses the emotional burden many women carry regarding money, providing strategies to lighten that load and regain control. 
  4.  Create Lasting Joy: Understand the difference between spending and investing in things that bring you joy and how making intentional choices can enhance and improve your overall well-being. 
  5.  Empower Your Financial Future: Gain insights on how your current financial decisions impact your future, empowering you to make choices that align with your values. 
  6.  Prioritise Self-Care: Learn how intentional spending can free up time and mental energy for self-care which will allow you to be more present during the busy holiday season. 
  7.  Join a Supportive Community: Get introduced to the Confident Money Lounge private facebook group where you can connect with like-minded women and access resources for financial empowerment. 
  8.  Take Action Now: This episode serves as a motivating call to action, encouraging you to stop procrastinating and start making positive changes in your financial habits today.

Need some help with understanding your financial position?
Book in for a Financial Wellness Check Up or Strategy at

Here are some useful links
Join The Confident Money Lounge Facebook Group 
Financial Wellness Kick Starter Kit
Planning Day